Car and bicycle rental

If you want to explore the surroundings and nature, there are bicycles available to give you a little sport and a faster transfer from place to place. On a more distant and comfortable journey to nearby cities such as Kolárovo, Nové Zámky or Komárno, there are also cars available for you, with which you can transport more people, get to know the nearby or more distant surroundings. We are sure you will find various places to discover, good restaurants and other attractions.


For leisure, swimming and other water activities, you can use the nearby natural swimming pool (Váh) Oáza Camp in Komoča, which is about 3 km away on foot. You can also visit the town of Kolárovo, where you will find many attractions, good restaurants and bars, or you can go to the newly established thermal swimming pool in Nesvady. For these trips, you can use cars from our offer.


For fishing lovers, we have reserved places on a nearby pond as well as basic fishing tackle.

Pilot shop and buffet for pilots – currently in the preparation phase

We are also preparing a PILOT SHOP for pilots who use the services of our airport, as well as a buffet in which we will serve refreshments. It will be open from Friday to Sunday

We will open soon. At the end of May 2022 we will be happy to welcome you.